Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pasta Carbonara

This is the first dish I wanted to share Pasta Carbonara. Everyone have their own version of this dish..which is fabulous..anyhow,this is my version of this simple yet elegant pasta recipe.

1 box of dried pasta 14.5 oz (411g)
1 large clove of garlic ,minced
2 large eggs
1/2 cup of grated Parmesan Cheese
4 strips of bacon
1/2 cup of 2 percent milk
1 Tbsp. of fresh Flatleaf Parsley,chopped
1/8 tsp.of Nutmeg
Salt & Pepper to taste

How to:

Cook pasta according to the packaged directions.Meanwhile,heat the non-stick pan and fried the bacon on its own fat to render.When the bacon is crispy place it on the papertowel to blot the excess oil.Then discard the extra oil in the pan.Saute the garlic on the pan until fragrant then transfer it to a papertowel to prevent the garlic from futher cooking.In a bowl beat the eggs,milk,nutmeg,cheese, garlic,salt & pepper.When the pasta is cooked turn off the stove..drain the pasta and add the egg mixture sauce.The heat from the pasta will help cooked the raw eggs.Add the parsley,crumbled the bacon and toss all the ingredients together.Sprinkle with extra cheese and serve.

Hope you enjoy my recipe..traditionally most recipe have heavy cream..however,I liked mine with lighten up the dish a bit.

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